For the Better Career how to Utilize your Lockdown Period in 2021

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Choose your career wisely and here are some Skills for a better career you can learn very easily are:

Digital marketingBetter Career

  • Digital marketing is the way of promoting your business through online platforms like social media. Nowadays everybody has mobile phones, through digital marketing we can reach every consumer. it is the best way to target your audience. Types of digital marketing are Content marketing, Email marketing, Affiliate marketing, social media marketing, search engines optimization.

Website developmentBetter Career

  • Website development is creating a website on the internet. Website developers use programming languages like HTML, CSS, javascript for building the website. There are three types of web developers – front end, back end, full-stack developers. In many languages, web development can be done like python, java, Php, and many more.

Graphic designingBetter Career

  • Graphic design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. With graphic design, we have two things – graphic and design. The graphic is made up of visual elements that are related to art and imagination.
  • The basic visual elements that combine to create the graphic design are line color, shape, texture, space, form, typography. Design is problem-solving, thinking, and practicality.

DropshippingBetter Career

  • With drop shipping, you can sell stuff online without the product ever being in your hands. Dropshipping is when a vendor fulfills orders from a 3rd party and ships them to the customer.
  • First, you have to find what you want to sell from a supplier then list that product on your website at a price you set. when someone places an order for that product, your customer pays you the retail price you have set and you make a profit. then you will place the order with your supplier at their wholesale price have it shipped directly to the customer.

8 tips to help you grow as you work from home

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