Stimulating Role of Therapist and Counselors in Covid-19

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Image source: InsightTherapy

During the COVID-19 pandemic period, mental health becomes one of the top priorities to look after. This is where the need for therapists and counselors comes into the picture. What was your reaction when you got to know about a virus named coronavirus or Covid19 that has globally spread in the entire world? The outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic has created a situation of stress, anxiety, and distraught among people. To stop the spread of the Covid19 pandemic, the world has to go for multiple lockdowns and as a result, everything came to halt. With the ongoing pandemic, dealing with your mental health is the need of the hour.

Role of the therapist in the Covid19:

The young generation’s psychological state nowadays must be under constant care. That is why, whenever someone develops any mental disease, there are certain people called therapists who help them in their recovery. This is done by letting them rant, understanding their emotions, and helping them call positively. Because of the lockdown enforced due to Covid19, every single person is at home and may be prone to certain feelings that would be harmful to their mental health. There is constant fear, stress, and anxiety among the youth witnessing the outbreak of Covid19.

Therapists tackling stress and anxiety:

To avoid stress and anxiety, a person should visit a therapist he is comfortable. With the ongoing pandemic, there has been an increase in people suffering from constant fear, stress, and anxiety which makes it obvious for them to visit a therapist. The demand for a therapist has increased in times of pandemics. Therapists are trying to help people as much possible as they can. They are conducting online sessions with their patients to help them to come out of this mental trauma of fear, stress, and anxiety.

The situation of Covid19 has made people frustrated and anxious so they are taking the help of a therapist to overcome their frustration. Therapists are regularly conducting online sessions, webinars to form people conscious of their psychological state, and the way important their psychological state is particularly during this scenario. They are trying to provide hope to their patients in the midst of despair and anxiety.

Role of Counsellors in the Covid19:

Who is a counselor to begin with? Counselors are the people who are directed to guide you on personal or psychological issues. Counselors deal with your career problems, life goals, and your interests. Then they counsel your mind and give you solutions to your problems. Counselors are provided in every school or institution to deal with the issues or grievances of the students. You can talk about anything with a counselor.

Talking about the scenario of Covid19, it has become difficult for the students to reach out to the counselors to discuss their problems. Counselors help you tackle the problems by giving suitable counseling. Due to the pandemic, online counseling has become the new normal. Students can sit at their homes and talk to a counselor and share their thoughts on anything they want to talk about.

A counselor will convert your negative thoughts into positive ones and supply you with relief. Counselors will provide you with the best advice for your problem. Counselors are a safer place to share your thoughts, problems, issues without the fear of being judged.

Even though there’s an epidemic, their role and responsibility haven’t been reduced. They are providing counseling online via social media through video conferencing and interactive chat sessions where students can pour themselves. Nothing has changed for them as they are doing their duty and helping students to come out of their comfort zone.

Best companion during a pandemic!

Even though there is a pandemic, their role and responsibility have not been reduced. They are providing counseling online via social media through video conferencing and interactive chat sessions where students can pour themselves. Nothing has changed for them as they are doing their duty and helping students to come out of their comfort zone.

Covid19 may have been a barrier in many cases but when it comes to mental health and correct decision making, no force can stop therapists and counselors from doing their duties. They will always continue to be there for the young generation, helping them in their times of crisis. They have been a support system for many people during such difficult times.

For more information about the Therapist:

Hover over here, to know more about counselors:

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