Significance of Career as a Food Blogger in 21st Century

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Food Blogger

Do you love food? Not just eating, but trying new recipes and reading about it. If yes, then a food blog must be the right option for you.

Blogging is a growing business where bloggers try to write on various topics and food blogging is one where a blogger comments on various food items they come across. What is better than changing your passion into a profession.

What do you mean by a food blogger?

Food bloggers represent a great interest in cooking with those of blog writing and photography. Food blogging is not just about sharing recipes but also, to take readers on your journey through your culinary skills.

What are the types of food bloggers?

There are various kinds of food bloggers such as:

  • Food photography
  • Recipes
  • Food and travel(Ethics and Culture)
  • Food/Restaurant view

Scope of food blogger

Many people are earning through their blogs in their day-to-day lives. Food blogging is about the food you share on your website or any other social media platform.

Education/Qualifications for the food blogger

There is nothing such Qualification to start your career in food blogging. All you have to do is to have your interest in cooking and trying new recipes now and then. Food blogging is all about the food that you prepare be it veg, non-veg, healthy, or nonhealthy.

Skills that are required/needed

  • Photography: It is an essential skill that must be acquired by a food blogger. All your blog depends upon the pictures you upload. Some websites upload your food photography with excellent editing and photo quality. You can show your food photography skills on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  • Content writing: It is also an important skill that is required by a food blogger. A food blogger must know how to write content for their blogs that will target their customers or audience. Write more clear and engaging content to attract the audience. A food blogger must put original content to attract the audience.
  • Social Media Marketing: Everyone knows how powerful social media is. Everything gets viral so easily. It has become so important today that every single thing revolves around it. With the help of social media marketing, you can put your photographs of food on social media websites such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. This will increase your customers and the people who are viewing your blog.
  • Create your own website: Creating your own website is not everyone’s cup of tea. But for a food blogger, it is important to have their own website where they can put all their photos and videos and content related to it. Website building platforms like WordPress can be used by the blogger to embark on its journey as a food blogger.
  • Creativity:  Depending on the type of food blog you create you have to be very sure about its originality. You can’t copy someone’s blog for your own benefit. It has to be unique and interesting. It must have its own uniqueness. You can try to be as innovative as you can in your posts, recipes, and whatnot. You can experiment with different things and get a recipe out of there.
  • Consistency: Consistency is the key for an effective food blogger. Updating your blog frequently with posts, reviews is mandatory to keep the customers engaged. Do not be discouraged about low page reviews at the beginning of your food blogger career. But, if you stick with high-quality pictures and trying new recipes often you will engage a good readership eventually. Just be persistent and don’t exert yourself.
  • Focus: If you want your blog to get noticed, you need to be focused. It can be anything- baking, veg, nonveg, etc. Users will come back to your blog if they found your blog to be relevant according to their interests. Stay focused on one particular thing and try out new recipes to attract the audience.

These were some of the skills that are required for a food blogger.


To conclude, people choosing food blogging as a career is growing exponentially. Working as a food blogger can be amazing if one loves to cook and also knows writing. In this way, one can turn their hobby into a profession with the help of social media. Technology has made it possible for bloggers to reach people all over the world.

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