Best Career as a writer 2021

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Image source: content writers

Do you love writing? Are you passionate about writing? Writing is an art that not everyone possesses. It is the way of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, and imagination to others in the textual form. Writing can be a hobby or a profession or it can be a blend of both.

Writers use their imagination and creativity to produce various kinds of writing such as articles, short stories, novels, poems, magazines, etc. A person who wants to become a writer must have creative and language skills. Creative writing requires a lot of research and hard work.

Eligibility & requirements to be a writer:

A bachelor’s degree BA in literacy-related courses such as English, Writing, Journalism, Media, or Communication is required.

Students can opt for various diploma and certified courses available in creative writing if they have such aspirations.

Skills required:

You should have certain skills and attributes to be successful in your writing. Some of the skills required include:




Passion for reading

Marketing skills

Resilience, determination, enthusiasm, and persistence

Typing and editing skills

Time management skills

Excellent written English skills

Ability to understand and accept criticism

Strong command of vocabulary


Types of jobs/roles:

There are various jobs available. Some of the popular jobs are listed below:

Copywriters: The responsibility of a copywriter is to write content that will reflect the brand’s voice they are working for. A copywriter writes a replica on the sort of materials and medium including blogs, advertisements, websites, and social media. They write engaging content to encourage the audience to use a business product or service.

Author: One can also become an author if he/she is interested in writing books on any topic. The popularity of an author depends upon their creativity and writing.

Content Writer: an individual also can accompany writing suitable content for an internet site. Content writers are very popular today and many companies look for a content writer while hiring. The job is to create engaging content for a company that showcases its products or services. You have got to do tons of research before writing anything.

Editor: A person can also be an editor while going for a major degree in English. Editors are required everywhere to edit and suggest changes in the piece of work. Editor’s review story ideas and choose what material will appeal to the overall public. During the review process, editors help to offer comments to improve the product and suggest titles and headlines. Editor’s note is important to improve the overall product.

Technical writer: is a professional who communicates complex information in an easier one. They prepare manuals, how-to guides, journal articles, and other supporting documents to communicate information easily and efficiently. Basically, technical writers help the users to know the way to use the merchandise and services.

Translators: Translation means to translate the meaning of written words accurately from one language to another. Translators are very common and working as a freelance translator is also common. Translators work with business, scientific, legal, and technical material including letters, books, reports, etc.

Screenwriters: They create scripts for movies and television. They may create an original story or convert a book into a movie or television series. Screenwriters play a very important role in movies and television as they write dialogues and everything for us.

Bloggers: Bloggers are becoming very popular in today’s times. Bloggers write a post to a blog for a specific topic such as sports, fashion, news, etc.

Novelists: Novelists write books of fiction, non-fiction, creating characters and plots that are imaginary or based on real-life events.

Employment Opportunities:

Writers are required in numerous agencies and companies. Candidates with excellent writing skills can get jobs in the following areas:



Advertising Agencies

Book publishing agencies

Software companies

Online shopping portals

Movies) Entertainment




Top Recruiting Agencies:

Here is the list of companies that recruit content writers, technical writers, etc

Write Right


Thoughtful minds

My Writing Master





Cisco systems

Times of India


The salaries offered to a writer aren’t constant because it depends on experience and artistic skills. It also depends on the field of their writing.

Also, salaries vary from company to company.

Benefits of being a successful writer:

Some of the benefits of being a writer include:

You are getting purchased what you’re keen on to try to to.

You can get personal satisfaction from this, as your voice is being heard.

You can make money from your writing

Writing as a career has great opportunities for us as compared to earlier times. If choosing writing as your profession, consider all the above points then make your decision. Writing as a career requires a strong command of vocabulary and grammar.

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